Pressure screen Comer EC10

Sales ID: 2279

Pressure screen Comer EC10

  • Manufacturer:                                Comer, Italy
  • Model:                                             EC-10
  • Year of make:                                  2001
  • Technical parameters                    
  • Screen basket size: 485 mm x 750 mm inner dia (screening area cca 1,1 m2)
  • Slot size:                                         to be checked
  • Rotor type:                                     drum type
  • Motor:                                            90 kW, 380 V
  • Status: dismantled, stored in our warehouse (before overhaul)
  • Condition:                                      excellent condition
  • Pressure screen with stainless steel body, suitable for fine screening. It was previously installed as second stage fine screen in a 200 tpd waste paper line.


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Celpap Machinery s.r.o.
Politických vězňů 10
110 00 Praha 1
Česká republika

IČ: 60775564  
DIČ: CZ60775564

Pro poptávky:

Celpap Morava s.r.o.
pobočka Haňovice 120
Chudobín 783 21
Česká republika

IČ: 41033345
DIČ: CZ41033345

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Celpap Deutschland GmbH
Heinrich-Reichard-Strasse 50a
64560 Riedstadt

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